i think everything turn out ok..
Tuesday, February 15
erm...think our relationship back to normal..da ok balik..
td i chatted wif my fren..weeya..she brought up something..dier tanye aku..."ko sampai nk kawen ngan dier nih..sbb ape?"
erm.. aku cakap..aku xtau..aku just sayang dier..but then..weeya cakap..mesti ade sbb nyer kenapa aku sayang dier..pastuh..weeya berfalsafah sket..huhu..tp in a way..aku rase..love dun really need reasons...that's if it is a real love arr kan...xkire arr..kalu monkey love ke...keldai love ke..maybe arr..xkire pisau2 cukur..buaya darat ngan ape2 yg sewaktu dengannyer...i admit it's not really good to put your trust..full trust on that particular person..cause even ur family can sometimes betray u..jahatnyer ar sape yg buat tuh..huhu..it hurts when ppl betrayed u...but it is even more hurting when that ppl that u loved most betrayed ur trust!
bile aku ngan dier..aku rase comfortable..safe..and i'm happy when he's with me..i'll miss him when he's far...shah alam jauh per..:p ehehe..anyway i love him for whom he is..everybody have flaws in theirselves...so does he and i am also included...whatever can be changed..i guess we can always try to change it...and if it really is die hard habits or whatever...we have to learn to live with it...kat dunia nih sume pon camtuh..ngan sesape pon kite kena tolerate...x semestinyer bf ke gf je or husband n wife...ngan sume org..it's nature of life...huhu...ngan kawan..pon same gak...huhu...
so..pasal kawen nih..ehehe..aku mmg nk kawen ngan dier...and tu pon kalu jodoh aku ngan dier...kalu x..which i dun want to think about it..for now..huhu...life has to go on..whatever happened happens...huhu..ape2 jek ar aku ngarut kan kali nih...ape2 pon...anas...i really love u!
aku rase weeya x tau aku nyer blog nih..eheh..kalu ape2 nnt kite bincang lagi...ehehe...i'm always open for anything..:p tp ape2 pon yg aku cakap tuh just my opinion...and there no rights or wrongs kalu opinion kan...always open for arguments...ehehe..okeh..tu jek...pasnih kang nk gi GEMA...tgk org nyanyi2!huhu...tp ade kelas gak...hahahaah..:)) ikot jaja jek..gi klas..pastuh cabot!!:D
...loving you...
[7:08 PM]
___** anas(,") * (",)beba**___
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