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about me
beBa aNak en.mAel
luRve aNas vEry mucH

xx LiKes xx
pS2 and c0mpuTeR
rEadiNg n0veLs
eAtinG deliCi0uS f0ods
bE witH hiM

xx disLiKes xx
cAn't tHink of aNytHinG eLse

xx faV auThoRs xx
daVid eDdiNgs
tRudi cAnaVan
aNne RicE

[my FreNsteR]
[aNas's fRensteR]

This is a Flickr badge showing photos in a set called 15 apRiL 2007. Make your own badge here.
xx fRen's BloG xx

This blog is full of memories....
makan makan makan...aiyok...
xde mende!
slideshow for part of the pics on my engagement day
a change of status...
3 days to go...
another step forward...huhu

August 2004
November 2004
December 2004
January 2005
February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
February 2006
March 2006
July 2006
January 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
December 2007
March 2010

i wanna eat at nandos
meet anas everyday..:p
grad a.s.a.p!



i am a force of nature!
Sunday, March 20
wahh..arituh gi konsert...first time nih..xpenah pegi konsert pon b4 this..besh arr..enjoy gak...:p seat pon ok ar..dpt dok kat lower tier...cun gak ar..eheh...dpt tiket mahal nyer for 82..tp mmg cam gempak ar..lgpon banyak giler lagu diorang performed..start kol 7.45 camtuh..kol 3 baru abes...letih gile..sampai kat black eye peas da x larat da..duduk jek dendiam..uhuh..diorang perform last skali...boys2men,bsb org sing along ngan diorang..mmg besh ar..jackie chan pon siap nyanyi skali..cam ramai gile ar orang glemer2 nih..uhuh...tu jek ar..malas sebenarnyer nk tulis nih...tp cam da lama x bukak..so cam sket pon bole ar...:p okeh...lenkali kang kalu rajin tulis lagi...uhuh...

...loving you...
0 comments [4:00 PM]

___** anas(,") * (",)beba**___

:(( :((
Wednesday, March 2
:(( huhu...

...loving you...
0 comments [11:14 PM]

___** anas(,") * (",)beba**___

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