starting to miss him alredi..huhu..
Monday, April 25
it's been 10 days..eheh..baru 10 ari...i already miss him..sket2..eheh..:p we keep smsing of course..dua tiga hari sekali call ke..eheh..rindu2 bole tgk gambo..tuh ade kat page blog lg tuh..eheh..cute x boifren sy? hahaha..:)) lagi sebulan lebey..7 th june..our first a couple..eheh..nk dekat setahun da aku ngan dier nih..and i still love him..more and more...deeper every minutes...:D eheh..
what i really like about this guy..erm..eheheh..i think....eheh..he's cute(in his own way..hey..dlu hot stuff ni kat skolah..eheh..dak2 mahad kate arr..sapik pon..) as i say b4..i think..when with him even for the first time meeting him..i feel secure...comfortable..and i can be myself with him..surely..i never been so frenly with a guy that i erm..consider as a a way..he was a stranger to me..even tho we used to be in the same class..we never talked..eheh..aku dlu kawan ngan pompuan jek..culture shock sket..form1 n 2 kelas sume da pompuan ar kate kan..:p
lagi..erm..he's a total opposite of me i think...but maybe ade kot..yg same..part tgk citer jepon..dier pon bole di kate kan peminat takuya..eheh..kan wak? btol x? ehehe..he's frenly..ngan sume org...he has a way ngan dak pompuan..jgn frenly sgt ngan pompuan ar wak..nnt diorang minat kat awk plak kang...pompuan lemah sket kalu org baik2 ngan dier nih..:p hahah..risau sket..dier nih...leh main gitar..xde ar tahap dewa nyer terer..dier kate dier nih tahap org suruhan jek..ehehe..dier yg cakap..not for me..dier main tuh pon cam bole fall in love all over again bile tgk dier main gitar..:p dgn muke dier yg bersungguh2 tuh..cute jek..:p and he also can sing..dlu2 skolah masuk nasyid..eheh..katenyer menang sampai kebangsaan? kot..eheh..ade gak dier nyanyi for me..eheh..kinda sweet..isn't it?
being with him..he has a weird way of showing his love..sometimes...he dun really shows it..and he dun even get does get jealous..just he didn't show it..i think now i to detect it when he's jealous...ehehe..comel ar dier kanak2 mom penah cakap dlu..anas nih cam childish gak sket..:p which i find it kinda true..dier pon cam manja gak..suke bermanja2..sampai aku plak xde can nk bermanje ngan dier..:p
tapi yg paling penting nyer ar..dier nih pelik..mmg pelik...macam yg aku penah cakap dlu..masa memula jumpe dier..sbb dier nih pelik ar yg i actually find him attractive? i think i'm being weird..huhu...ade ke minat org sbb dier pelik...:p da panjang lak...miss u sayang...nk jumpe awk..nk tunggu sy 55kg dlu baru bley gi sabah yek? arr..berusaha arr nih...diet2...aja aja! :D
...loving you...
[5:13 PM]
___** anas(,") * (",)beba**___
amboi..awak nak challange jiwang saya erk...;;)..hehehe...awak windu kat sayang erk??sian..bese le suka kat org coz pelik...aku pun slalu gak..coz they got their own attitude...
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