starting to miss him alredi..huhu..
Monday, April 25
it's been 10 days..eheh..baru 10 ari...i already miss him..sket2..eheh..:p we keep smsing of course..dua tiga hari sekali call ke..eheh..rindu2 bole tgk gambo..tuh ade kat page blog lg tuh..eheh..cute x boifren sy? hahaha..:)) lagi sebulan lebey..7 th june..our first a couple..eheh..nk dekat setahun da aku ngan dier nih..and i still love him..more and more...deeper every minutes...:D eheh..
what i really like about this guy..erm..eheheh..i think....eheh..he's cute(in his own way..hey..dlu hot stuff ni kat skolah..eheh..dak2 mahad kate arr..sapik pon..) as i say b4..i think..when with him even for the first time meeting him..i feel secure...comfortable..and i can be myself with him..surely..i never been so frenly with a guy that i erm..consider as a a way..he was a stranger to me..even tho we used to be in the same class..we never talked..eheh..aku dlu kawan ngan pompuan jek..culture shock sket..form1 n 2 kelas sume da pompuan ar kate kan..:p
lagi..erm..he's a total opposite of me i think...but maybe ade kot..yg same..part tgk citer jepon..dier pon bole di kate kan peminat takuya..eheh..kan wak? btol x? ehehe..he's frenly..ngan sume org...he has a way ngan dak pompuan..jgn frenly sgt ngan pompuan ar wak..nnt diorang minat kat awk plak kang...pompuan lemah sket kalu org baik2 ngan dier nih..:p hahah..risau sket..dier nih...leh main gitar..xde ar tahap dewa nyer terer..dier kate dier nih tahap org suruhan jek..ehehe..dier yg cakap..not for me..dier main tuh pon cam bole fall in love all over again bile tgk dier main gitar..:p dgn muke dier yg bersungguh2 tuh..cute jek..:p and he also can sing..dlu2 skolah masuk nasyid..eheh..katenyer menang sampai kebangsaan? kot..eheh..ade gak dier nyanyi for me..eheh..kinda sweet..isn't it?
being with him..he has a weird way of showing his love..sometimes...he dun really shows it..and he dun even get does get jealous..just he didn't show it..i think now i to detect it when he's jealous...ehehe..comel ar dier kanak2 mom penah cakap dlu..anas nih cam childish gak sket..:p which i find it kinda true..dier pon cam manja gak..suke bermanja2..sampai aku plak xde can nk bermanje ngan dier..:p
tapi yg paling penting nyer ar..dier nih pelik..mmg pelik...macam yg aku penah cakap dlu..masa memula jumpe dier..sbb dier nih pelik ar yg i actually find him attractive? i think i'm being weird..huhu...ade ke minat org sbb dier pelik...:p da panjang lak...miss u sayang...nk jumpe awk..nk tunggu sy 55kg dlu baru bley gi sabah yek? arr..berusaha arr nih...diet2...aja aja! :D
...loving you...
[5:13 PM]
___** anas(,") * (",)beba**___
xde keja sgt!!
Wednesday, April 20
amacam gambo2 tuh..eheeh..poyo gile..huhu..tuh ar keja aku...amik gambo poyo2..pastuh edit ngan photoshop...mmg berjaya betol membuang masa...ehehe...ngarut2 jek yek..:p malas lak nk type pepanjang..eheh...
skang nih peah pon da ade blog..semangat betol arituh dier wat entry..tup2 jaja plak buat hal..letrik short plak...abes ar entry peah yg pepanjang tuh..terbantut kejap semangat peah..eheh..lek2 peah..wat lagi..aku akan selalu berada kat belakang ko..ehehe..:p
okes..xde mender da kot...esok2 plak..anyway..aku blom lg balik umah nih..huhu...still kat cyber..
...loving you...
[4:08 AM]
___** anas(,") * (",)beba**___
another one..:p eheh..
...loving you...
[4:06 AM]
___** anas(,") * (",)beba**___
my poyo pose...
...loving you...
[4:05 AM]
___** anas(,") * (",)beba**___
lagi gambo..
Monday, April 18
nih gambar masa makan kat malee....then pastuh..sempat plak ar kan..pegi karoke nih...ehehe..padahal esoknyer tuh aku ade paper..:p selamber terer sgt..ahahaha..:))
...loving you...
[6:32 PM]
___** anas(,") * (",)beba**___
makan di malee(ala2 mcD)
...loving you...
[6:30 PM]
___** anas(,") * (",)beba**___
time makan kat malee..dengkil..sempat lg amik gambo tuh..:p
...loving you...
[6:29 PM]
___** anas(,") * (",)beba**___
aksi2 les...haha..
...loving you...
[6:29 PM]
___** anas(,") * (",)beba**___
menyanyi ngan penuh perasaan..:p
...loving you...
[6:28 PM]
___** anas(,") * (",)beba**___
gambar time b'day
x banyak pon amek gambo arituh..ehehe...:p nih antara yg ade...besh tau kek tuh...yummilicious..:D eheh...mak yg buat kan..mesti ar besh kan..:p
...loving you...
[6:25 PM]
___** anas(,") * (",)beba**___
mak yg buat kek nih..uh..apsal lak ade surat khabar bawah tuh..
...loving you...
[6:24 PM]
___** anas(,") * (",)beba**___
...loving you...
[6:21 PM]
___** anas(,") * (",)beba**___
time square...enjoy!!
wah..semalam...for the first time main game yg ade kat times square tuh...enjoy gak ar..:p tuh ar...yg trilled ride dier..x byk...ade 6 jek..pastuh tolak satu..sbb cam rosak ke ape ntah x yg paling cam takut yg duduk tuh..pastuh pusing 360 degree tuh...uhh...rase cam nk terjatuh jek...kat atas tuh..just dok pk..kalu ar benda nih tercabutt..eee..takutnye!!ehehe...yg len tuh cam biase2 jek...roller coaster dier pon..nampak jek cam takut..tapi bile da naik xtakut pon..huhu...main bumper car besh gile..dok main langgar2 bebudak nih..ehehe...yg pegi semalam...aku kutak jaja sepul asip peah...after that we went for a movie...sahara...tajuk dier cam ntah ape2 citer dier besh..ehehe...xberkenan tol tajuk tuh..:p
banyak gak amik gambar cam enjoy arr...:p biler yek nk balik malas tol nk pack barang..huhu...mak ngan ayah pon cam xcall pon soh balik..:p ehehe...nnt2 arr..paling awal pon esok ar..eheh..dok cni tido jek ar besh..ehehe..:p mmg ar xde benda lain yg nk buatkan? erm....ape jek lagi yek sy mau cerita? idea da...baru dua hari dier balik...kinda miss him alreadi..:p ehehe..
...loving you...
[6:20 PM]
___** anas(,") * (",)beba**___
hepinyer dier gigit tangan org!!
...loving you...
[5:32 PM]
___** anas(,") * (",)beba**___
dekatkan pipi ye...
...loving you...
[5:30 PM]
___** anas(,") * (",)beba**___
hepi b'day sayang!!
Saturday, April 16
anas's b'day hari nih...sbb dier da nk balik..which he said 11.50 pagi...konon nyer...padahal malam...ampes tol dier tuh...suke bagi info salah...lenkali cakap ar bebetol...bole buat makan tuh after my xm ke...da ar kelam kabut gile...huhu...bace pon x abes..huhu...da ar paper susah gile...huhu..ntah ape2 jek ntah arr..ok kott..sbb sume org pon graph turun ar..:p optimistic bibah..:p
so..malam tuh...simple jek...da ar org soh datang awal...dier datang ujan lambat sgt..huhu..kol 12 tuh..i gave him the present n card..then potong kek..makan2 sket...pastuh..i had to continue dier temankan..ehehe..besh sket study..:p esok tuh..tros2 gi xm jek..xm yg ampes dan susah..huhu..ermm...da kot..xde ape..nnt aku letak gambar..cik abg syg yg tgh control potong kek..:p eheh...muahhh...syg awk!!
...loving you...
[4:37 PM]
___** anas(,") * (",)beba**___
benda yg besh n benda yg x one day....
Friday, April 15
tomorrow...last satu ape pon x sentuh lagi...yg lagi bagus nyer...notes pon blom print lg..ehehe..:p tgh print ar skang nih...nasib ar cam ade 7 chapter jek...sempat kot..kalu nk cam..ade jek aku tak tdo nih malam karang...xm nyer pagi...
esok pon..anas da nk balik..huhu...sedey!:( esok b'day nk wat camner....kena ar celebrate awal sket...arini ar tuh...malam kang...ntah kol baper mamat tuh datang kang ntah arr..da soh da datang tgk arr..camner...dier balik esok pon x tau flight dier kol baper...huhu..dier tuhh...isshh....
ntuk malam nih..sume soh mak baru jek abes paper computer animation..ntah ape jek ar yg aku jawap...huhu..xsempat bace abes sume..pastuh ade plak notes yg x kuar ar plak..ntah ape jek...cehh...pagi td pon nasib baik bgn...mak tepon..tuh pon da kol 11...huhu..memula ingat ke nk bagus 8.30 ar sah2 ar..alarm pon x dengar langsung...tdo semalam pon nk kat kol 6 da...tuh ar kot...x bgn...ermm...mak buat kan cake..ngan macaroni...buah ngan air...kire ala kadar jek arr...da kate last minutes...baru semalam bagitau mak..anas ar nih..lambat tol nk confirmkan biler nyer nk awal gak balik nyerr...huhu..ermm...mak anta sume tuh td cam dalam 1 lebey nk kol 2 gak...pastuh karang...lg satu anas nih arr...ntah kol baper ar dier nk datang cni..kang di bantainyer datang lelambat..mmg arr..sudah...huhu...ntah arr...dier kate dier try..huhu...tgk ar kol bape kang dier datang nyer...ermm...huhu...
esok nihh...huhu...xm....huhu..ape jek ar nk jawap kang...huhu..ape2 pon...ape2 jek arr..ehehe..karut jap di situ...:p erm ape jek lagi ek nk ngarut kat cni...nnt rasenyer nk meluahkan perasaan pasal anas and his secretiveness...huhu...lenkali arr...ehehe..asik nk cite pasal anas nk cite pasal org lain pon sape jek kan...lain ar kalu ade pasang2 yg lain ke..ape ke? heheeh..:p urmm..okeh..jap lagi nk tgk cite tv...jgn tanye cite ape..:p ehehe...
...loving you...
[6:17 PM]
___** anas(,") * (",)beba**___
idea yg tiada!
Wednesday, April 13 last minutes gak...da mmg camtuh nyer..mmg susah nk ubah...cakap mmg senang ar..bole ubah cakap tuh just cakap jek arr...kalu nk buat tuh mmg susah...determination tuh low betol...huhu...nk pon x abes lagi..esok nnt xm petang..nasib baik gak arr...yg len pon langsung x sentuh lagi..mmg haru gak cam xde beza pon ngan dedulu nyer xm pon..:p biase ar kott..ehehe..
tak nak..tak nak..tak nak...tak nak..tak nakkkkk..!!! huhu...:(( sedih nyerrr...ish ish....:(( huhu....:(( uwaaa.....huhu...ermmm....xnk ape? ehehe..:p xnk arr...huhu..
camner nih..huhu..susah nyerr...:(( ermm....xtau da nk tulis apee...huhu..ntah arr...lenkali lak ar...mmg cam da mengarut giler tetiba nihh....huhuh..:((
...loving you...
[4:47 PM]
___** anas(,") * (",)beba**___
sgt byk ntah nih...!!
Sunday, April 10
erm...anas nk balik awal..dier kate nk balik 12 aribulan nnt...:(( ntah arr...da xtau nk buat camner lagi...da dier nk balik sangat...balik arr..huhu...kena wat cepat ar kad dier nih..x wat pon lg...esok ar kot buat..huhu...arinih dier gi singapore..teman sapik..ntah bile balik nyer...dier kate 2 hari kot..ntah arr...then pastuh dier nk balik sabah..huhu...selalu msg dier...pastuh cam saje jek sms kat dier...tulis "awk slalu tinggalkan sy..huhu..maybe i'm meant to be lonely for the rest of my life!:p" lebih kurang arr...huhu...dier reply kate.."i didn't force u to be with me!huhu" erm...what is that supposed to mean..??? huhu..kecik ati doww..i dunno what he really meant by cam..kejam jek say IF..i tell him that i dun want to be with him i guess what he will do is that...maybe..he just say...ok..fine..if that ur decision then...we go on our own seperate ways...kot...means that he didn't care? ke? huhu...ntah arr..xpaham tol dier nih..huhu..sedih...:(( pumpkin yg kejam...huhu..
ermm..sebenarnyer..baru jek balik dr uptown nih...ngan jaja sepul , peah hasip..b4 tus tgk movie...citer samara..uhuh...xtakut langsung citer tuh..huhu...tgk ptg tadik ikot jaja ngan bukit bintang...gile tul budak berdua tuh bershopping...sesak nafas aku..hahaha..:p erm....ikot diorang sbb cam...biase arr..nnt kang kat umah sengsorang sangap sepatut nyer kena stadi..:p ehehe...pemalas tol...esok ar start..ehehe...
ikot org nih sbb nyer cam xmo dok sengsorang kat kalu ikot org dating pon kengkadang cam rase lonely manja2..kite tgk jek...nk manje ngan sape...xde...ehehe..da lama da x kuar on a real date..huhu...ingat ke nk ajak dier join skali arinih...jaja da cakap cam arituh lg..biler ntah..nk gi bb..pastuh gi tgk samara reramai..ok arr..x ramai mana ramai ar gak kott...huhu..sbb sume org pon ade partner camner pon join jek ar...bile lg plak kang nk tgk citer tak? cam ntah..ehehe..terasa gak arr...sbb kuar ngan org yg tgh dating kan..kite pon x mo ar kaco sgt..eheh...kengkadang segan wat muke x malu jek..:p da biase pon...selalu jek rase aktiviti biase...masa single2 dlu pon slalu single kan masa tuh..xde ar rase ape sgt...sbb aku pon xde sape yg aku nk kuar dengan sesape pon xkesah...:p tp skang nih..kalu kuar ngan org jadik rase lonely plak...huhu..enjoy2 gak somewhere in my heart..i really wanted that certain someone to be with me...byk sgt benda yg nk wat same ngan cam xpenah bole....huhu...nk ajak makan pizza pon susah...da lama da ngidam pizza nih..nk makan ngan dier..xmo ngan org dier asik2..bile aku mentioned pasal tu..mesti nk cakap...awk pergi ar ngan org lain....tu jek...asik ulang tuh jek...awk pegi ar ngan org lain...mmg x paham langsung perasaan aku...huhu...pergi ngan org lain...cakap ar benda tuh byk2 kali...mmg nnt sy PERGI ngan org lain...sedih lg..:p ehehe..
td..masa minum2 kat coffee bean..biase arr..aku nih cam jenis suke ngadu2 ngan member dekat jek..jaja mmg tau sepul pon tau gak arr..huhu..kate slalu jek ngekor dier ngan kalu citer tuh..kuar gak ar cite..ehehe..sapik kate..anas tuh camtuh sbb cam first love? ntah sepul plak kate..kalu first love kadang...lg nk jaga..nk jumpe..huhu..sepul kate..maybe kawan dier ramai yg single ke..camtuh..tuh yg dier pon cam ntah arr...lupe plak camner dier cakap cam dier..ntah..terasa single ke cam nk..camnih arr..even tho dier da still can give the same commitment cam dier dlu..ngan member dier...that's what i think tp tu...semalam dier cam..ade gak..member2.."dak2 mahad" dier slalu x ikot...bagus ar x pegi...kalu bengkek gak arr...huhu...yg nk gi singapore tuh..last minutes esok tuh nk pegi baru nk cakap...huhu...kengkadang cam da xtau da nk wat camner..dunno arr..aku nih pon cam ampes gak..asik nk soh dier teman jek..ehehe..ntah arr..kengkadang tu..aku rase..maybe aku cam buat hal cam nk dier bagi a little bit more attention to me...huhu..sedih lg..:p cam loser jek rase...eheh..:p i guess...i'm just week..lemah sgt...ehehe..asik nk jumpe jek..dier cam lek jek..ntah arr...huhu..byk tol ntah...:p panjang ar plak...ehehe..
jauh ar sabah tuh..huuhu..kalu dekat2..bole gak pegi2 melawat...:p ape ar aku nih...padahal dlu..kalu cakap2 ngan member2 slalu jek cakap...aku xmo jauh2...nk org dekat2 sini jek...selangor...xpon kl ke...tetiba sampai ke sabah plak..huhu...karut tol aku nih..jauh satu...da ar x penah sampai pon kat sabah tuh...huhu..anas anas anas...budak sabah...sabah...huhu...sabah..cuti..cuti..ermm...lama..huhu...ape2 arr...xmo pk...baik blaja...byk lg x bace nih...da ar 3 subjects..berturut nih...xde gap langsung...ampes...khamis nnt image processing..huhu...susah...byk calculation...huhu...da ar ade tuh yg x reti langsung...lab x pegi..nk kena figure out sendri...uhh...tu pon kalu dpt ar kan..:p tp ade jek yg dapat..eheh..xde ar bodo sgt aku ni kan..:p ermm..uhh..ha'ah...calculator ade kat anas lagi...lupe lak...kang menangis lak kang..kena kire atas kertas cam arituh...huhu...kena kire log arituh..kena cakap kat lecturer nk pinjam calculator...nk pinjam jaja nyer..dier bawak gi peah plak...tdo time tuh..ntah mana dier taruk x tau plak...mmg ar...uhh....
wahh...gile..sgt panjang aku ngarut kali nih...hahaha...sape jek pon yg bace benda ngarut aku tulis nih ponn...ehehe...besh nyerr...bole ngarut2..eehehe...ok arr...lenkali bley sambung lagi...mahu tido arr...da kol 5.40am nih...uhh...ngantuk plak..jom tdo..:D ehehe..
...loving you...
[4:45 AM]
___** anas(,") * (",)beba**___
what to say..what to say...
Thursday, April 7
hey..erm..tetiba cam nk ngarut jap kat cni..wah...hari ni..quite an achievement..for me arr..:p huhu..mesti org gelak kalu i studied at the library...miracle isn't it..tanye jaja..mesti dier kate really hard to see me in campus..except for classes of course..or maybe discussions..kalu nk stadi tuh..mmg susah sgt ar is somekind of an achievement for me..ehehe..ngarut2...:p
after xm nnt..bebudak nih ajak gi sg.gabai..kat hulu langat..dlu da pegi gak ngan dak umah..besh doh..mandi kat situ..mmg enjoy sesangat..celebrate b'day leha skali kat sane..huhu..bebudak nih cakap..bawak anas skali..bole celebrate b'day dier kat sane..xpon..buat kat pool ni jek..kot..tuh pon kalu cik abang sayang tuh ade kt cni lg ar kan...uhh..susah arr...nk convince dier soh stay...mak bapak lg..duit lagi..uhh..
citer pasal duit..bile arr org ISS night nih nk bagi balik duit tuh..uhh..200 tuh..bukan sket...bole wat party kalu ade 200..hahaa..xley2..simpan..:p ermm..
erm..skang nih i think my relationship with anas cam da ok jek kott..think so..i think we have to learn how to communicate better...huhu..problem with the case of "opposite attracts" nih..huhu..too many differences..kena berusaha...eheh..but i think it worth it..if it's for him..:p ceh..poyo2 jek ayat..ehehe...gile da agaknyer aku nih...
haaa..lupe..xcite lg nih...about my new secret admirer...eheh..jgn x tau..ingat xde org nk ke?? :p this guy...i dunno him...huhu..da tu kate tak? anyway..he's akbar's fren...akbar ni balak mas...artis kenkononnyer..uhuh..mmg artis pon...member kumpulan brothers..ala..yg nasyid secret admirer nih..ape ntah nama nyer..di akbar panggil dier akim..katenyer da tua..maybe baya2 akbar gak kott..lebih kurang..tanye keja ape programmer kate program mender tuh..x tau ar plak..uhh..arituh dier topup kan..30..uhh...mamat tuh...kalu kasi sms pendek2 jek..pastuh sms yg xreti camner nk reply..huhu..ntah ar dier...anyway...nih bukan pasang2 tau..xde2...i told him already that i'm taken...but he says that he dun care n still wanne be my secret admirer..huhu...i guess he not a bad ppl..since dier pon kawan akbar cam x salah rasenyer...and i already told anas about it...and he seems as usually not showing even a little hint of jealousy..uhuh..susah tol nk wat mamat sorang nih kate cemburu tanda sayang...uhuh..bahaya nih..:p eheh...whatever....
that's all kot...erm...kalu ade ape2..lenkali lak sambung...ehehe...wish me luck for my exams...:D
...loving you...
[2:05 AM]
___** anas(,") * (",)beba**___
xm week...
Wednesday, April 6
huhu..da start xm weeks first paper will be on this friday..uhuh...baru bace sket jek..boringnyer ethics..pastuh gap lama gak..and straight 14,15,16 xde gap langsung plak..ampes tol...ntah ape jek..huhu..
16 april nnt b'day anas..tatau ar dier still ade kat cni xpon da balik sabah..huhu..i already bought his card jek xbuat lg..asik bertangguh jekk...huhu..padahal da lama gile beli papers ngan cards ntuk buat tuh..huhu..nnt ar..ermm....
xmo anas balik mak ayah dier da bising2 da soh balik cepat...xm dier abes 7 april...huhu..lamanyer dier cutiii....:(( dier cakap bulan 7 baru balik cni balik??? uhuhhh...3 bulan..:(( huhu..lamanyerr...ape arr uitm nihh..buat ape cuti lelama..kejap da ar..huhu...xley jumpe dier 3 bulan..arituh yg masa raye tuh..sebulan jekk...tuh pon cam da terseksa da...bukan macam..mmg terseksa pon..huhu...sebulan pon da cam nk nangis da..nih kalu 3 bulan..gerenti nangis nyer arr..uhuh..:((
huhu..ntah arr...nk wat camner..ok arr..da cukup kot...huuhu..nnt2 sambung lg..uhh...
...loving you...
[3:10 AM]
___** anas(,") * (",)beba**___