missing sumone!!
Sunday, November 21
rase cam nk meletup je dada nih...huhu...i really miss him...da x lama da dier nak balik cni...i wonder what he will look like...da sebulan lebey sket xjumpe dier..samada makin gemok xpon still cam dlu gak...rambut dier mesti da panjang..ehehe...i prefer him with long hair...sbb first jumpe..not really the first time.:p rambut dier panjang...cute je..:p tp xde arr ckp dier xcute bile rambut pendek..ok je...dier..camner pon still cute..:p
huhu...rindunyer...tak penah pon rase camni b4 this...huhu..mmg arr..da kate this is my first love..yg crush2 tuh x kire arr...eheh...xrindu pon kt diorang..hey i'm a normal gurl...xkan arr x minat2 laki...xnormal plak kang..
i'm wondering ape ar agaknyer yg dier tgh buat skarang nih...da arr call xangkat pon...beraya lagi ke..erm..kredit dier da abes ar plak..td ade gak arr dier missed call pakai phone mak dier...ntah arr...
hey...i shud be studying right now...tp xley arr...td da try...teros tertido..mmg arr sehari b4 nk peksa baru bace nih...and that means tomorrow arr...my first paper will be on 23rd..
maybe i'll try to call him after this...i really wanted to hear his voice rite now..huhu...
anas..i miss u so much...
...loving you...
[8:50 PM]
___** anas(,") * (",)beba**___
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